Technology & Products


SoChat is an AI-powered chatbot that helps users deal with socially-anxious situations. From asking out your crush to discussing a raise at work, SoChat is made to give you step-by-step, easy-to-understand guides on handling any anxiety-provoking situation.

  • How do I start a conversation at a party?

    Can you give me a script for declining an invitation?

    What should I do if I feel anxious in a meeting?

    What should I do if I feel anxious in a meeting?

  • Built using OpenAI’s ChatGPT. Its capabilities include web browsing, DALL-E Image Generation, and Code Interpretation.

Accessible Design Navigator

The Accessible Design Navigator is a custom GPT that helps users learn about accessibility guidelines, evaluates wireframes, designs, and color palettes, and can provide instructions or feedback on how to design with accessibility in mind.

  • How can I improve the accessibility of this web layout?

    What are the key accessibility considerations for this graphic design?

    Can this color palette be problematic for colorblind users?

    How does this design align with WCAG standards?

  • Built using OpenAI’s ChatGPT. Its capabilities include web browsing, DALL-E Image Generation, and Code Interpretation.

AI Tool Scout

AI Tool Scout is a custom GPT designed to help users navigate the saturated market of online AI tools. Users can by various criteria including category, type, function, and more. It leverages information from multiple online resources, lists, and reviews to provide comprehensive and up-to-date recommendations to users.

  • What AI tools can help with medical research?

    Find me an AI tool for social media analytics.

    I need an AI for web design, any suggestions?

    Which AI tools are effective for e-commerce?

  • Built using OpenAI’s ChatGPT. Its capabilities include web browsing, DALL-E Image Generation, and Code Interpretation.

Why Choose Gitsul Group?

We’re more than just a Digital Marketing agency. We care about creating brands that are both beautiful and effective. We expertly blend detail-oriented brand analysis, digital innovation, and creative expertise to solve any problem. Our goal is to develop strong brands that resonate with your customers and drive revenue for your business.